Underdog Updates

Nov 1, 2022

Greetings, all!

My entire life for 2022 can be boiled down to one sentence:  When are you opening?

It was early summer.  Then it was late summer.  Now we’re at “Opening Soon!” - So what the hell is going on?  Well, let me tell ya…

We were kicking ass at the end of 2021.  Investors on board.  Equipment ordered.  Killing it.  THEN we started building planning.  We have an amazing architect, the company that did our engineering is incredible, and our contractor is top notch.  But when you decide to open a business at the exact same time as pretty much every other person in the U.S…..during a massive amount of supply chain shortages, things slow down.  And it’s not just us, this is happening across the country.  Soooooo, we got those things done - 4 months later than we wanted - but, it got done.  GO TEAM UNDERDOG!!

Oh, wait.  Then a bunch of bank changes happened.  Add a couple more months.

Pretty much what I'm getting at is that things are taking forever and it just seems to be how it is right now.  And that sucks but what can ya do about it?

Our Kickstarter backers are incredible.  The City of Savannah has been efficient and friendly.  My co-founders Phil and McKenzie are kicking ass.  Our landlords have been amazing.  Our investors have been wonderful and patient.  The crew at Deutsche that made our brewing equipment have shown us an insane amount of grace.  And our new bank is being insanely cool and getting shit done for us.

We are still opening.  It’s just taking way longer than we ever thought it would.  Buildout is scheduled to start early Jan 2023, and believe me, we are ready to go.
We’re coming, Savannah, and we can’t wait to show you what The Underdog is all about.

Much love to all y’all out there and please don’t stop asking me “When are you opening?” - It’s nice to know you care.

—Jeremy Hammons
Owner/Head Brewer
The Underdog Brewing Company